Wedding Request

  • Groom Info

  • Bride Info

  • Wedding Details

  • We would like to schedule our wedding for:

  • Wedding Date
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Wedding Time
  • We would like to schedule our rehearsal for:

  • Rehearsal Date
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Rehearsal Time
  • Pictures will begin at:
  • Will Rehearsal supper be held at church?
  • Will Wedding reception be held at church?
  • Estimated number of guests invited:
  • Will you need an organist/pianist?
  • Will you need a videographer from the church?
  • Will you have special music?
  • Will you be using a slideshow or have words projected at the church?
  • Will you be using CD/DVD music?
  • By submitting this form, we hearby make application to use the Sully Christian Reformed Church facilities for our wedding and are fully acquainted with the church's wedding regulations and will abide by these policies.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.